Cloud-based Machine for Safer Operation
A Proficient Troubleshooter
Top Choice for Steady Returns
- 1000000machines monitored
- 80000algorithm models
- 300ns acquisition
- 30mindeployment
- 60%Potential safety hazards: down 60%
- 80%Unexpected shutdown rate: down 80%
- 100%Omission rate: down 100%
- 30%Manpower: down 30%
- 1.5
Intelligent operation & maintenance investment: Payback period: 1.5 years
- 30%Part and accessory inventories: down 30%
- 30%Maintenance cost: down 30%
- 15%Energy consumption: down 15%
- 700+
- 1,000,000+
machines monitored
- 100,00+
failures fixed
Explore Data Value for Wiser Decisions
- Ferrous Metallurgy
- Petroleum and Petrochemical
- Coal and Coal Chemical
- Energy and Electric Power
- Cement
- Rail Transit